

I invite all to come by in-store and say hello. I love to help and will happily discuss most topics with my customers (nothing illegal though, I have no interest and much bigger plans). I don’t judge and strive to provide unbiased information, including discussions around the all-important topic of harm minimisation. All the better to break uninformed stereotypes that surround our industry.

As for the name of my store? A double entendre to denote the high quality of products stocked, but most importantly Lux is the name of my 11-year-old whippet who sits at my feet all day long. He loves a pat.


So who am I then? Bondi Vape Queen was my initial alter ego, offering me some level of anonymity in this challenging industry. Herbal vaping is my area of expertise but recent changes to laws in this fine country have unfortunately curtailed my sales and for now (hopefully!) I must abstain. A name change seemed like the next logical step to take and LadyLux420 made her appearance. My real name is Irena, and I was born (almost, arrived when I was 3) and bred in Bondi Beach, Sydney. Some might say I bleed sand, dramatic yet metaphorically true as there isn’t a part of Bondi I am not acquainted with!

Over the last 20 years, natural therapies, herbal medicine, and the emerging medicinal cannabis market have played important roles in my life. I am a fully trained/qualified Naturopath (non-practicing) and hold a medical degree in Human Health Sciences. I am also a strong medicinal cannabis advocate and actively push for legalisation here in Australia.

My goal with We are Lux is to bring the best of the 420/medicinal cannabis worlds directly to my customers whilst providing quality education. These products include herbal vaporisers (medicinal delivery devices), premium glassware, unique rolling papers and the most gorgeous accessories I can get my hands on. While innovation and design are my weaknesses, behind each product is also a commitment to quality; I painstakingly research all items displayed on the shelf. If I need to jump through the hoops of fire to get a product, I will probably do it!